Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Why I think religions exist.

I think religions exist because people are searching for answers. People want explanations to big questions like; Why are we here? How did we get here? And what is the purpose of it all? Most religions were developed before science was very advanced so many people turned to the supernatural for answers. The Greeks had many myths to explain the origins of things. The myth of Prometheus was used to explain how people were introduced to fire. The myth of Pandora's Box tells the story of how evil was introduced into the world. People want answers and a purpose for living, so they turn to something higher than themselves.


carrie said...

I agree with your thesis. Why do you think some still turn to religious answers when science disproves what their religion teaches? Love the examples from the ancients to defend your argument.

Great post. 20/20 points.

Mitchell Nunnally said...

uhhh... good call.

hunterd said...

Victoria, you put a lot of thought into your response. Keep up the good work.