Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What does it mean to be civilized?

I think being civilized means a few different things. In order for a civilization to thrive there needs to be a way for them to communicate with each other, a spoken language and/or a written way or speaking to one another. They need to have a government type system set up in order to keep people from going completely crazy. There are usually advanced social structures and communities, and a religious system.


carrie said...

I can already tell that you have background understanding of the topic. I hope that we can add to your knowledge of the topic as we study the unit. 20/20 points.

I like your blog!

**Ms. Gomez** said...

I like what you wrote its very understanding and interesting. You really know what your talking about.
***NiCe BloG***

allie roberts said...

Dear victoria slaboda big boataa i agree with you on your opinions of being civilized i am sorry to tell you that unfortunately our wedding will not be. see ya at the alter anorexic lovee<33

allie roberts said...

heyy victoria secret i love your new pictures and your blog cus it is sooo beautiful/nifty. anyway i just wanted you to know that i loveeee us cus we are ohh so cool!
infinite x's and o's
love ya

allie roberts said...

dearest slaboda big boataa (butta?)

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet as thy dearest victoria. i love thee. so basically ill see ya at 5 :( <3
loverrr youu!
allieee cattttt

allie roberts said...

hahaha our wedding night couldnt come soon enough hahaha! jkjk (kind of) any way lit 12 is a
B-L-A-S-T! how about biology/ earth science?

allie roberts said...

tell me about it. i get out at 5 though cus mr.siegmund has to pick up his daughter :p! yaahoo! anyway when im in "heck" ill just be happy knowing im not in this FREEZING cold school.. and ill be pleased at knowing youll be joining me soon enough!
love ya sillyyyy

allie roberts said...

heyyyyyyyy puenta whats upp?

allie roberts said...

hahha endoplasmic reticulum? haha <3 bio! anyway that guys wrist is so true it hurts click my links and look at wes wears a dress's blog and read his comics i love them especially the one about "i hope your attitude is as positive as your test results" hahah you have to look! <3
love you sillyyy<3

allie roberts said...

dear PRINCESS V (BIG butta) i am writing to inform you that my class is boring too and i had to switch seats due to the fact in which there was too much talking and not enough working.....:( so now im sitting near someone with the worst B.O you have ever,ever,ever smelled and considering leaving them an anonymous stick of deoderant! what is your opinion on the matter?

allie roberts said...

p.s. Chorus:
Cells of the animal, cells of the plant
Cells are basic units of all that I am
Cells help the plant to bloom and grow
Cells are in every organism I know!

The nucleus is the brain
The center of the cell could be its name
Chromatin, in long strands
With dna and chromosome bands


Two types of cells we all know
We’re eukaryotic and the other one’s pro
Animals and plants are with our eu
Prokaryotic’s scum and bacteria, too


Cytoplasm is like egg whites
It’s very fluid and jelly —like
Parts in the cytoplasm — organelles
Are like baby organs inside of a cell


The ((!!!endoplasmic reticulum!!!)
Pronouncing it is lots of fun
It winds from the nucleus — out in the cell
Moving materials extremely well


The ribosomes — look like dots
Looking like the er’s covered in spots
“Ribes” make proteins, it’s what they do
Proteins are the building blocks for me and you


Mitochondria’s the powerhouse
It breaks down food to get energy out
Or lysosomes — that break down waste
Without them — what a problem we’d face


Golgi bodies are like garbage men
Removing waste is part of their plan
They lead from the cytoplasm — out of the cell
Moving waste and proteins out of the gel


We certainly can’t forget the vacuole
Stores food and waste like a storage hole
In plants and animals both, you’ll find
And that’s the end of our cell rhyme!!!!


allie roberts said...

dear princess butta. i am sorry that you are a loner and have no one to talk to hahaha jp :p but i am in the same situation except my nose is inside my shirt and it looks like im looking at my schnitzers. but i dont care cus it stinks. this boy must have rupped onions all over his body. have you watched thats so raven before? cus this reminds me of that boy ben in thats so raven who smells so bad. anyway i lover youu
-waiting for a breath of fresh air-
allllllllieeeee catttt

allie roberts said...

dear princess pejunda i forgot to tell you sdomething about Dr. Hunter so remind me to tell you later. anywayy love how is bio? i am muy excitido for dinner!! its going to be a lot of funn <33
w/b dork butt

Mitchell Nunnally said...

I like the way you word things. We should exchange words.