Thursday, November 1, 2007

Dearest and most high King John II of Portugal,

I, Vasco da Gama, am attempting to find a more direct route to India as to eliminate the dangerous and taxing Silk Roads. It is my desire to take the voyages and explorations of Bartolomeu Dias a step farther by not only rounding the Cape of Good Hope but also seeing what lies beyond. It is my greatest hope that this venture will prove to be a prosperous one for myself as well as your majesty. If I reach India, which I expect I will do, I will be able to establish direct trade in the nation and sell Indian spices here in Europe for a profit, that of which you would also benefit. It is also my thought and wish that once there is an established and safe route to India, missionaries can be sent to spread our sacred faith to the heathen nation. I am hoping to take my leave and set out on my expedition in early July of this year, 1497, with four carrack ships and large crews to man the vessels. I plan on using new technology that is now offered as well; the newly designed carrack ships that travel more easily through ocean waters and the recently improved magnetic compasses that can accurately point the holder in the proper direction. All of these things which are needed to make my voyage possible, are costly, which brings me to the reason I am writing this letter, you see, it is my greatest wish that you would be so gracious as to fund my endeavor. My plans and dreams are useless without your help. I promise to bring glory along with economic prosperity to our great nation of Portugal if you so choose to offer your funding.

Sincerely, and Hopefully, yours,

Vasco Da Gama,
January 4, 1497